3D innovaTech

Innovationspartnerschaft mit RAISE Agriculture (TU München)

Erhalten Sie nachfolgend Einblicke in das Innovationsprojekt RAISE Agriculture, welches wir im Rahmen einer fortlaufenden Unternehmenskooperation und Innovationspartnerschaft seit Beginn unterstützen. RAISE Agriculture ist ein Technologie-Startup an der Technischen Universität München, welches Robotik und Künstliche Intelligenz einsetzt, um Herausforderungen in der industriellen Landwirtschaft zu entgegenzutreten. Dadurch soll u.a. der Einsatz von Pestiziden und Düngemitteln reduziert werden. 

Das Startup RAISE Agriculture wird unterstützt durch das Förderprogramm Exist (Existenzgründungen aus der Wissenschaft). 

Product Innovation using Robotics & AI

Bringing the Power of AI and Robotics to the Farmer: Our field health reports are our featured product. They provide the farmer with detailed information regarding pest and disease locations, irrigation levels, soil nutrition, and offer actionable steps the farmer can make to reach sustainable goals, improve their yield, and save them time and money. We deliver the health report through our surveying system. An all-in-one solution that uses multiple sensor streams to capture data of the field, soil information, satellite imagery and weather data.

Challenges in Industrial Agriculture

Currently, farmers are faced with a variety of different problems. The three major problems RAISE has identified are:

1. Loss of yield
○ Stress zones are unidentified during crop growth stages.
○ Pests can spread exponentially if not detected early enough

2. Lack of labour
○ Currently, field workers are manually scanning the fields for plant diseases.
○ Most people go to cities to find work leaving fields empty of farmhands.

3. Sustainability management
○ High costs of machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
○ Farmers have to meet EU-Regulations for spraying fertilizer and herbicides

Each season, a farmer’s field is introduced to new pests and diseases that affect the overall outcome of that season’s yield. To combat these anomalies farmers are currently spraying their entire field with pesticides and herbicides to remove these dangers. This has long-term implications on the level of soil nutrients, microbial communities, and contamination of groundwater.

With less workforce available to combat and identify these issues early farmers are constantly taking a loss. Using too much of one resource and having too few of another causes a cascade where farmers are left to deal with these problems the best way they can. However, by doing what they can they end up missing sustainability goals set by the EU, which offers different support programs for farmers who are conscious about their environmental impact.

Solution for more Sustainability in Industrial Agriculture

RAISE offers an all-in-one solution to tackle these problems. Through our servicing system, we provide the farmer with the data they need to identify these problems early. The sensors identify any anomalies within the field through various camera imagery and sensors. These images are sent to our Health Hub which processes the data collected using our AI algorithms into ready-made information to send directly to the farmer. The farmer receives a detailed field health report regarding different pests and diseases, irrigation levels, soil nutrition stats, and an overhead map. Hotspots are identified throughout the map to alert the farmer that action needs to be taken. Our software suggests the amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, and nutrients required in specific areas. The farmer can now have all this information at the tips of their fingers and will only need to take action once our system has provided them with all the necessary information they need.

Mission of RAISE Agriculture

RAISE Agriculture aims to create sustainable technological practices for farming using artificial intelligence and robotics. We believe that farmers are the backbone of our society. Our dream is to be able to provide over 1 million farmers with the tools and systems that allow them to live fulfilling lives.

The Team: Engineering & Bionics Specialists

Abir Bhattacharyya
B.E. Mechanical Engineering
M.Sc. Bionics/Biomimetics
Passionate about programming, robotics & artificial intelligence.

Magnus Norvel Baumann
B.E. Automotive Engineering
M.Sc. Industrial Engineering
Passionate about entrepreneurship, idea generation, and strategy.

James David Specker
B.S. Cell & Molecular Biology
M.Sc. Bionics/Biomimetics
Passionate about entrepreneurship, project and business management.

Finden Sie weitere Informationen zu RAISE Agriculture unter https://raiseagri.com. Senden Sie uns bei Interesse gerne eine Nachricht über das Kontaktformular. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme! 
